WordPress » 2006 » 一月 imag1

这样的WordPress + flickr, 既有意义,又很吸引人

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XPress (WordPress For XOOPS) 升级到 2.0

WordPress 2.0 出来有些日子了,很多XOOPS用户关心什么时候XPress可以升级到2.0[1, 2],最近一段时间太忙,没有把握说好什么时间能出来XPress 2.0,只好答复说等有时间

今天忙了一阵,偷懒休息一下,顺便化两个小时做了一下XPress的升级,进展比较顺利,在本地已经能够顺利运行了,希望过几天能够发布一下XPress 2.0 RC,那位能够帮我测试的,请联系我。

1 速度慢了不少,或许是本地机的缘故
2 后台采用的AJAX,大家在wordpress.com中都尝试过了,利弊自有评说;实时文件上传、插入很方便(以前在sohu的blog测试办理用过类似功能)
3 从开发者的角度来说,有些不太正规。想找个1.52版或是2.0的changelog,wordpress.org的下载区里找不到,只有最新版的下载包;只好去它的svn
4 看得出wordpress的代码在优化,开始考虑规模化的问题。给我的初步感觉像是打补丁,基础结构设计不好,将来要改进,太难了点。或许,该真正考虑serendipity了

As just mentioned above, I noticed some problem with WP 2 page loading speed. Right after publishing the article, I found, via technorati tag of “WordPress”, D’Arcy was also talking about the WP2/MySQL performance issue. We need to figure out what the problem is, once we get time.

XOOPS 用户的对比应用感受


toddherrold 从一个用户的角度分析了XOOPS与其他CMS(JOOMLA)的使用感受,他说得比较详尽,我在这里摘录保存一下。
其中他特别提到了predator为joomla所作的WordPress搭桥(bridge/hook)。我最初参与XOOPS开发就是从predator当时主持的newbb2开始的,后来我们俩一起主持newbb2、准备XOOPS zencart、开发myxoopsforge等,很遗憾他后来离开了,现在我们不约而同又都支持了WordPress,只不过一个为XOOPS,一个为joomla。



With all of this conversation about Xoops vs. Joomla/Mambo, I thought I would try Joomla out. I have never really used it. I remember about 2 years ago when i first started creating websites, I tried out a bunch of systems, including xoops, mambo, movable type, php nuke, post nuke, etc. I ended up opting for xoops at the time because it seems the most intuitive, easy to use, and stable. i couldn’t get alot of the modules and components working very easily with the other systems and had a hard time figuring out the admin interface.

Well, I’ve been getting a little burned out on xoops after upgrading my sites to 2.2.x without really investigating the 2.2 version and not knowing about all the bugs. Things have definitely gotten better in that regard with 2.2.3 Final, but it still needs some work. Anyway, so an opportunity to test a different system came up. . so I installed Joomla! over the last few days and have been building a site.

And the verdict is: Joomla! actually isn’t that great, and I would not use it over Xoops. The admin interface is certainly more professional looking than xoops, but the structure is way too complicated. Joomla is also not optimized for community sites that focus on user generated content. The modules and components are not as advanced as those of xoops and do not provide the advanced functionality that xoops modules do. In fact, in order to get the Xoops level of functionality in article management, forums, or photo galleries in Joomla, you actually have to use the standalone versions of whatever gallery or forum and then use a “bridge” component or module, to bring that content into the Joomla frame. These bridges are very complicated to install and do not work that well, not too mention the challenge of wrapping or framing a different system. You will notice on most joomla sites that any sophisticated galleries or forums are actually the standalone versions, and often times to go to these from the main joomla site, results in a changing the GUI and layout of the site. This is exceedingly jarring to users and is just plain bad web design. The alternative is to use integrated Joomla components but these generally have far less utility than the xoops equivalent. Also, installing certain components and modules in xoops often disrupts the proper functioning of other componentes.

Also, in Joomla it is not easy/intuitive to create custom blocks or to copy blocks to make them appear in different areas and positions on your site.

Basically, Joomla would probably be fine for a relatively static site whose content doesn’t change that often or a site that doesn’t really need to provide advanced user generated content features.

Frankly, IMHO Joomla in know way excels beyond Xoops in terms of technology and functionality. The only areas that I believe it beats Xoops in, is the enthusiasm of the developer community at the present time (despite the recent Mambo/Joomla fork) and the quality of the theme design for this system. They’ve got a huge number of very talented theme makers and thus Joomla sites often “look” more sophisticated than Xoops sites. But don’t let the nice design fool you. . . It’s not that great of a system.

So, I am here with Xoops! And, feel much better now that I have tried at least one of the competitors and despite whatever challenges this project continues to have, I’m sticking it out!

Oh, I thought I would also add that from my last few days of research and testing, it appears that the only Joomla component that I discovered that is really on par with Xoops modules, is one created by Predator - a former Xoops developer. He has ported Wordpress with true integration (not just a bridge) into Joomla. . and it is fantastic. It doesn’t have all the functionality that the phpPP Wordpress for Xoops, but it is a beauty to behold.

So, in short. . Xoops is something special and unique and has tremendous power, flexibility, and relative simplicity. Whateve it’s challenges, it’s a fantastic system. With some better marketing and community relations, along with continued advanced development, it will most assuredly remain a leading CMS.