WordPress » 2006 » 五月 imag1
你正在浏览五月, 2006
Digg PHP’s Scalability and Performance

Several weeks ago there was a notable bit of controversy over some comments made by James Gosling, father of the Java programming language. He has since addressed the flame war that erupted, but the whole ordeal got me thinking seriously about PHP and its scalability and performance abilities compared to Java. I knew that several hugely popular Web 2.0 applications were written in scripting languages like PHP, so I contacted Owen Byrne - Senior Software Engineer at digg.com to learn how he addressed any problems they encountered during their meteoric growth. This article addresses the all-to-common false assumptions about the cost of scalability and performance in PHP applications.

At the time Gosling’s comments were made, I was working on tuning and optimizing the source code and server configuration for the launch of Jobby, a Web 2.0 resume tracking application written using the WASP PHP framework. I really hadn’t done any substantial research on how to best optimize PHP applications at the time. My background is heavy in the architecture and development of highly scalable applications in Java, but I realized there were enough substantial differences between Java and PHP to cause me concern. In my experience, it was certainly faster to develop web applications in languages like PHP; but I was curious as to how much of that time savings might be lost to performance tuning and scaling costs. What I found was both encouraging and surprising.


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