WordPress » slashdot ´ó»áÕï: Keeping Track of All of Your Tasks?

slashdot ´ó»áÕï: Keeping Track of All of Your Tasks?

¹éÀàÓÚ£º General, Xoops, Blogging, SlashDotD.J. | 8/19/2005 @ 11:49 am (ÔĶÁ: 830)

From Slashdot.

Posted by Cliff on Thursday August 18, @05:50PM
from the all-about-the-organizational-skillz dept.
An anonymous reader asks: “I work for a Fortune 500 Company as a Unix sysadmin and at any given time I may be working with 10 different project teams, each with their own milestones, tasks/to-dos, notes and reportable status. I’m constantly losing track of tasks that I need to do, notes I’ve taken and status reports that I’ve written. I’ve tried paper solutions, PDAs, Microsoft Project and groupware type stuff and nothing really seems designed to allow me to track mulitple project with mulitple tasks and to-dos as well as keep up with the status and notes that I generate from each of these tasks. How do you keep it all straight?”

Xoops + xHelp (Score:2, Interesting)
by darthgnu (866920) on Thursday August 18, @05:54PM (#13351265)
We use a web CMS called Xoops for the IT departement intranet. We use a “bug tracker” called xHelp that is integrated with the CMS. Xoops also offers basic project management. It’s a no brainer setup, real easy to get started with. For documentation, we use PukiWiki which does the job of organizing useful information. You may also want to look in “tracking” software (refered to as “trackers”) which may be of use in your situation. Hope it helped.

Sharp Zaurus & K/OPI (Score:3, Interesting)
by crstophr (529410) on Thursday August 18, @05:59PM (#13351293)
Hey there. I’m also a UNIX Admin for a Fortune 500 company. Recently I was promoted to “lead” and I just got slammed with tasks to track.

Get some Ginkgo (Score:2, Insightful)
by linzeal (197905) on Thursday August 18, @06:09PM (#13351368)
(http://revolution23.blogspot.com/ | Last Journal: Wednesday September 01, @05:42AM)
Also eat healthy when you are dealing with a lot of stress. Diet can be as important as any new shiny peice of software in helping with memory.

Sysadmin’s little helper (Score:1)
by davidyorke (543505) on Thursday August 18, @06:13PM (#13351389)
Start/Stop drinkin a LOT of coffee. (i.e. if you drink it, stop. if you don’t, start)

Project management tips (Score:2)
by chrysrobyn (106763) on Thursday August 18, @08:07PM (#13352057)
You’re having trouble managing all your projects. Take a project management class. Don’t necessarily go for the certification. Then take a time management class. Get those fundamentals.

The ultimate solution (Score:2)
by gothzilla (676407) on Thursday August 18, @11:29PM (#13352928)
Hire an assistant. If they ever forget anything, fire them. Problem solved and you also have a nice scapegoat.

No Problem! (Score:1)
by zogger (617870) on Thursday August 18, @11:44PM (#13352997)
(http://technocrat.net/ | Last Journal: Monday May 16, @03:45PM)
There is a solution to this problem of tracking your tasks, I use it every day. It is in two steps:
Have one (1) boss.
Have one (1) girlfriend
that’s it! whenever you are within earshot of either of those two people, THEY will tell you exactly what to do, when to do it, and where to do it. The why they keep secret on a “need to know” basis….. They are completely capable of accounting for your time 24/7, so you don’t have to sweat it!

Re:My manager (Score:4, Funny)
by hoggoth (414195) on Thursday August 18, @06:17PM (#13351420)
(Last Journal: Monday February 23, @05:55PM)
> I usually just use my mom. I have so many projects going on here at the house it is crazy. When ever she starts yelling I know I missed something and I get told what it is.
When you grow up and become an adult you no longer need your mom to yell at you to manage your projects.
You’ll have a wife doing it.

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