WordPress » 模块开发 imag1



这个小程序被放在某个模块下,使用的时候浏览 http:// XOOPS/modules/…/tpledit.php?id=12 ,后面id就是模板的id

* Created on 2005-5-6
* To change the template for this generated file go to
* Window - Preferences - PHPeclipse - PHP - Code Templates

include “../../mainfile.php”;

include XOOPS_ROOT_PATH.”/header.php”;
include_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH.”/kernel/tplfile.php”;
include_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH.”/class/xoopsformloader.php”;

if (!$xoopsUser) {
redirect_header(’index.php’, 3, “您没有登陆,无法访问”);
exit ();

if ($xoopsUser->uid() == 1) {
$tplid = 15;
if (isset ($_GET[’id’])) {

$tplid = $_GET[’id’];
$op = “1″;
if (isset ($_POST)) {
foreach ($_POST as $k => $v) {
${ $k } = $v;
if ($k == “update”) {
$op = 2;
//echo $k.” “.$v.”


$tplhandle = new XoopsTplfileHandler();
$db = & Database :: getInstance();
if (!$tpl = $tplhandle->get($tplid)) {
redirect_header(’../../index.php’, 3, “模板不存在,检查模板ID”);
exit ();

$tplsource = $tpl->getVar(’tpl_source’);

//echo $tplflietxt;

//echo “hi
//echo $op;
if ($op == 1) {

$tplform = new XoopsThemeForm(’模板编辑’, ‘tpl edit’, ‘tpledit.php’, ‘POST’);
$tplform->addElement(new XoopsFormLabel(”tpl ID”, $tplid));
$tplform->addElement(new XoopsFormTextArea(”tpl file”, “tpl_source”, $tplsource), true);
$tplform->addElement(new XoopsFormButton(’更新’, ‘update’, ‘update’, ’submit’));

$id_hidden = new XoopsFormHidden(’tplid’, $tplid);



include XOOPS_ROOT_PATH.”/footer.php”;

if ($op == 2) {

$myts = & MyTextSanitizer :: getInstance();
$tpl_source = $myts->stripSlashesGPC(trim($tpl_source));

//echo $tpl_source;
$tpl->setVar(’tpl_source’, $tpl_source);

redirect_header(”tpledit.php”, 3, ‘执行了模板的更新’);


include XOOPS_ROOT_PATH.”/footer.php”;

} else {

redirect_header(”../../index.php”, 30, ‘您没有权限’);



xoops 开发手记

已经基于XOOPS开发了一个网站, www.etworld.cn ,自己写了一个模块,调试了2个,对xoops算入门了。




DokuWiki For Xoops 的留言功能已经添加完成


注:本篇blog使用最新的Xoops plugin 插件功能发布

XPress (WordPress for Xoops) 1.52 Moon version 发布

Xoops 2.22正式版以后可以在xoops安装过程中安装wordpress

Full package:

Upgrade from XPress 1.52:


XPress 1.5.2 (Moon)
Sep 05th, 2005

1 Removed unused template
2 Added module theme selection which allows WordPress has its own theme
3 Added user information with Xoops userinfo
4 Fixed bug in admin user data on installation
5 Added(Rollback) encoding conversion for ping, trackback and comment
6 Added module header (RSS alert)

Before Xoops 2.23 RC1, WordPress for Xoops can only be installed after the system installation is completely finished.
Since Xoops 2.23 final, it is possible to install WP during system installation as other modules, like pm, profile

XPress 1.5.2
Aug 18, 2005

1 update WordPress to 1.5.2
2 add userinfo link for comment poster if logged on
3 add xoops decode to wp content and comment
4 remove accept-charset in form tag which is not compatible for all browsers

Thank Carnuke, Tiran_Kenja and other users for bug reports and suggestions.

Seeking comeslogist for “Article” module

This is a copy from XPress

I am seeking comeslogist(s) for my module “Article”.
“Article” is a new module that I have been working on for almost one year.


  • Typical article management
  • News management
  • Personal Blog


  1. Different templates/css for each individual article and category (A new trial I have created and hope it would benefit XOOPS modules)
  2. Cross-category
  3. Topic (Or special series)
  4. True multi-pages (no length limit for an article, another new feature I have created)
  5. Different level of edit forms
  6. Different article status (from created, personal, submitted, registered, published to featured)
  7. Keywords bridging
  8. Headings/Notes auto-generation
  9. Pingback/trackback

More features will be disclosed with public release.

If you have interest and to serve as “Article Comeslogist”, plz send me message or leave a comment here.
Note: There is no count limit on comeslogists since the “Article” has the capability to use various templates and CSSes on-fly.
Once your design is accepted, I would invite you as a co-author of the “Article”.

Dev status:

  • The coding part has been finished.
  • Xoops internal bridging system is being developed, partially implemented in the “Article”.
  • A default set of template/css created by myself, fully-CSS driven, but the skin is not beautiful.
  • Multi-user blog system, which is based on the “Article”, has been proposed.