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Blog: valvess的专栏

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最后更新: 2008/11/18 22:39 (更新)

valvess | 2008/11/18 22:39 | 4 次阅读

1.蝶阀(butterfly valve)是指关闭件(阀瓣或蝶板)为圆盘,围绕阀轴旋转来达到开启与关闭的一种阀,在管道上主要起切断和节流用。蝶阀启闭件是一个圆盘形的蝶板,在阀体内绕其自身的轴线旋转,从而达到启闭或调节的目的。蝶阀全开到全关通常是小于90° ,蝶阀和蝶杆本身没有自锁能力,为了蝶板的定位,要在阀杆上加装蜗轮减速器。采用蜗轮减速器,不仅可以使蝶板具有自锁能力,使蝶板停止在任意位置上,还能改善阀门的操作性能。 工业专用蝶阀的特点能耐高温,适用压力范围也较高,阀门公称通径大,阀体采用碳钢制造,阀板的密封圈采用金属环代替橡胶环。大型高温蝶阀采用钢板焊接制造,主要用于高温介质的烟风道和煤气管道。 2.截止阀(stop valve,globe valve)的启闭件是塞形的阀瓣,密封面呈平面或锥面,阀瓣沿流体的中心线作直线运动。阀杆的运动形式,有升降杆式(阀杆升降,手轮不升降),也有升降旋转杆式(手轮与阀杆一起旋转升降,螺母设在阀体上)。截止阀只适用于全开和全关,不允许作调节和节流。 截止阀属于强制密封式阀门,所以在

valvess | 2008/11/18 22:37 | 2 次阅读

DRVZ silence check valve consists of valve body,seat,diversion shuttle,disc,bearing and spring etc..The bore is flow-line designed so pressure loss is very little.The disc’s stroke is very short and when stop the pump the valve can close quickly and prevent the great noise from water-hammering so the valve can close quietly without any noise .It is widely used in feeding/draining system,fire protection and heat supplying system,and it is installed at the outlet of the pump to prevent backw

valvess | 2008/11/18 22:26 | 13 次阅读

These are common industry terms and abbreviations AC 交流电 Alternating Current EXP VLV 膨胀阀 Expansion Valve PSIA 磅/平方英寸(绝对值) Pounds Per Square Inch Absolute ALL IRON 全铁结构 All-Iron Construction F 华氏温度 Degree Fahrenheit PSIG 磅/平方英寸(表值) Pounds Per Square Inch Gage AMER STD 美国标准 American Standard FF 平面 Flat Face RECIRC 再循环 Recirculate(d) AMS 自动化工程师协会的航空材料规范 Aeronautical Material Specifications of the Society