安装XOOPS(新安装) ----------------------------------- 1. 将 htdocs/ 文件夹的内容复制到服务器可访问的位置 2. 确保web服务器可以写入mainfile.php和uploads/文件夹 3. 考虑到安全问题,强烈建议将目录"/xoops_lib"(用于XOOPS库)和"/xoops_data"(用于XOOPS数据)移出文档根目录,并更改文件夹名称。 4. 使目录 xoops_data/ 可写;如果不存在,创建并使目录 xoops_data/caches/、xoops_data/caches/xoops_cache/、xoops_data/caches/smarty_cache/ 和 xoops_data/caches/smarty_compile/ 可写。 5. 使用您的web浏览器访问已安装 htdocs/ 文件的文件夹,以启动安装向导 您还可以查看详细的安装指南和操作指南在XOOPS中安装Protector ----------------------------------- 我们还强烈推荐安装 PROTECTOR 模块,它将为您的站点提供额外的安全保护和日志记录功能。 从先前版本升级 ----------------------------------- 从2.5.x升级到2.5.4Beta: 1. 从sourceforge文件存储库获取正确的更新包 2. 用/htdocs中的内容覆盖您服务器上XOOPS目录中的文件 * 确保将/xoops_lib的内容复制到您现在在服务器上保留的任何目录(应该是您当前的XOOPS_TRUST_PATH目录),然后删除/xoops_lib目录。不能有两个包含/xoops_lib内容的目录 3. 从模块管理界面更新“系统”模块。其他模块,特别是“个人资料”、“站内信”和“Protector”建议也进行更新 从2.5.0之前的版本升级: 0. 验证系统要求,特别是PHP版本。备份您的XOOPS数据库和网站目录。(这些操作有几种方法,将在其他地方讨论。)关闭您的网站是可选项。更改mainfile.php和/include/license.php的权限为可写,例如: 文件 权限 升级前 升级后 mainfile.php 400 700 /include/license.php 444 777 从SourceForge文件存储库获取正确的更新包。 1. 在更新包文件夹中,如果不在其中,将“upgrade”文件夹移动到“htdocs”文件夹内部。如果存在,从“htdocs”文件夹中删除install文件夹。如果存在,从“htdocs”文件夹中删除mainfile.php文件。如果您已将xoops_data和xoops_lib文件夹移至网站根目录之外,请在更新包文件夹中将这些文件夹移出“htdocs”文件夹。 2. 删除您当前XOOPS网站上的/modules/system目录(以删除任何旧的、不必要的文件)。 3. 用升级包的“htdocs”文件夹的内容覆盖您当前XOOPS网站上的XOOPS目录中的文件。(有几种方法可以执行此操作,将在其他地方讨论。)如上所述,如果已移动,则用升级包中的内容覆盖您当前xoops_data和xoops_lib中的文件。 4. 如果您之前已安装Protector,打开“mainfile.php”文件,并删除存在的话的Pre-check和Post-check行: include XOOPS_TRUST_PATH.'/modules/protector/include/precheck.inc.php' ; include XOOPS_TRUST_PATH.'/modules/protector/include/postcheck.inc.php' ; 5. 在您的网站地址(URL)登录为管理员。访问/upgrade/ with a browser, and follow the instructions (and any for updating your XOOPS database). After all updates have been applied (green checkmarks), note the link in the Updater to update the "system" module, and do so. 6. Delete the "upgrade" folder from your site's "htdocs" directory. 7. Update (reload) other modules, especially "Profile", "PM", and "Protector," if necessary. 8. Change permissions on the files noted above back to their normal state. 9. Turn your site back on, if you turned it off earlier. Debug information display level ----------------------------------- Since XOOPS 2.3.1 debug information display level is enabled as a temporary solution for 2.3* to show debug information to different level of users: to all users, to members or to admins only. The configuration can be set in /xoops_data/configs/xoopsconfig.php As a default, the display level is set for 2 (Admin only). Files integrity check ----------------------------------- The full XOOPS package is released with a script able to check if all the system files have been correctly uploaded to the server. To use it, follow these instructions: 1. Upload the checksum.php and checksum.md5 files located in the XOOPS package root to your XOOPS server folder (putting them next to mainfile.php). 2. Execute checksum.php with your browser 3. If necessary, re-upload the missing or corrupted system files 4. Remove checksum.php and checksum.md5 from your server Modules ----------------------------------- This release contains only the "system-related modules". You are invited to browse the XOOPS modules repository to if you need additional functionality. Note: as a new repository is being built, the current repository is not up-to-date, PLEASE VISIT INDIVIDUAL DEVELOPERS' WEBSITES TO MAKE SURE YOU ARE USING LATEST VERSION OF MODULES. How to contribute ----------------------------------- Bug report: http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?group_id=41586&atid=430840 Patch and enhancement: http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?group_id=41586&atid=430842 Feature design: http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?group_id=41586&atid=430843 Release announcement: https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/xoops-announcement We would like to thank all developers who contributed fixes to this release (ForMuss, Trabis, Mamba, DCrussader, Casag), and our users who helped us with testing, especially Sabahan. XOOPS Development Team October 31st, 2011 ================ Change Log ================ Bugfixes: - quoteConv causing problems with large number of quotes (Roby73/trabis) - Cache bug. The key's not generated correctly (andrey3761/trabis) - ID: 3425970 Unknown: Function split() (cesag/trabis) - ID: 3424295 Undefined index: tplset (cesag/trabis) - Preferences not using description field correctly, tooltip showing title and description without space (trabis) - Extra height in admin page when warnings are not displayed (timgno/trabis) - Files loaded with browse.php (*.js, *.css, etc) are not cached by the browser (trabis) - ID: 3421180 CBB 4.05 and Xoops 2.5.4 error with Framework (cesag/trabis) Profile: - umode has wrong fieldtype, should be a string (trabis) - Search page gives blank page for anonymous (trabis) - Search page navigation does not work correctly (trabis) - changed Edit/Delete text links to icons (mamba) Protector: - database patch check ok if XOOPS_VERSION > 2.4.x (trabis) - changed Database::getInstance() to XoopsDatabaseFactory::getDatabaseConnection(); - added check with StopForumSpam against spammers (trabis) PM: - Fixed bug: Admin can read private messages from other users (Roby73/trabis) Updated: - Update tinymce to version 3.4.6 - Update PhpMailer to version 5.1 - Update jQuery o version 1.6.4 - Update jQuery o version 1.8.16 - Update Core modules (PM, Profile, Protector) to ModuleAdmin GUI (mamba) Improved: - Replacing deprecated Database::getInstance(); calls with XoopsDatabaseFactory::getDatabaseConnection(); (trabis) - Logging deprecated methods and files that will be removed on XOOPS 2.6.0 (trabis) Languages: See lang_diff.txt in /docs