
BitC3R0 采访

kaotik  20-Apr-2006 17:03 5701 阅读次数   2 评论(s)  
我最近有机会采访了 Xoops-mexico 网站的网站管理员 BitC3R0。对于那些不了解他们工作的人来说,他们拥有一些目前对 Xoops 来说最令人印象深刻的主题。他们最近迁移到了 Xoops 2.2.3,当然又设计出一个令人鼓舞的主题。

Kaotik:Xoops-mexico 创建于何时? 从 2005 年 6 月 5 日开始运营(大约 5 个月前)。

Kaotik:墨西哥和西班牙社区对 xoops-mexico 的反应如何?


Kaotik:Xoops-mexico 以制作一些最好的 Xoops 主题而闻名,您能否告诉我们的读者您创建新主题时的过程?

BitC3R0:一切始于一个简单的、专注于目标的想法。通常这取决于计划是什么。例如,在我的网站 上,我创建了一个现代动态的主题,因为我希望将 Xoops 呈现得当前、不同且吸引人。我个人不倾向于默认主题,因为它们的颜色非常灰色。


BitC3R0: Until now I have designed them by myself, leaving me little time to publish as many themes and modules as I would like due to my work. Nevertheless, even when I'm designing a new theme myself, I always try to gather as many opinions as I can before release.

Kaotik: Was it hard creating your first Xoops theme?

BitC3R0: That's actually the main reason why I chose to use Xoops, its ease in creating themes. This is due to Smarty, which is very simple, easy to use, and does not require learning anything new (just HTML and PHP).
The first theme I created was for our website, which had some flaws, but also allowed me to delve deeper and fully understand how to use Smarty within Xoops.

For my second theme, I explored even more, with good results.

Kaotik: Xoops-mexico themes seem to be very well thought out from an aesthetic perspective, did you or your team have any formal education or training in art?

BitC3R0: No, my knowledge comes from experience and reading. Fortunately, we have something called the Internet.

Kaotik: When starting a new theme, do you first see it as an artistic challenge or as a technical difficulty?

BitC3R0: It's definitely a combination of both. As I've stated before, there must be a balance between aesthetics and functionality. Of course, it's always beneficial to understand JavaScript, PHP, CSS, and technologies that allow you to create attractive, dynamic, and useful themes.

Kaotik: In your opinion, which is the best place to start a new theme, on the computer or on a piece of paper and pencil? Why?

BitC3R0: Personally, I prefer to start my ideas on a computer. Unlike the development and programming of applications, visual design is a task I enjoy, and the results are immediate. Of course, before I start working on a computer, I already have a clear idea of what I want to create.

Kaotik: What tips would you give to aspiring theme creators?

BitC3R0: Be flexible in your ideas. The main thing is that you don't have to create a theme that looks like all the others. Simply use your creativity.

Kaotik: Are there any common errors Xoops theme designers should avoid?

BitC3R0: I think the only point I could mention is, if you are using graphics from other themes, make sure they visually match your style, and only add them if necessary.
For example, I've seen many themes that use transparent icons and buttons (GIF, PNG) that show a white border on dark backgrounds, which greatly detracts from the theme.
Nevertheless, I believe each person's artistic perception is what makes our community so "rich" and validates each person's work.

Kaotik: What sites do you visit that inspire you?

BitC3R0: None in particular, although there are many sites with excellent themes. Normally, my ideas can come from any site, graphic, document that catches my attention. Anything can serve as an inspiration for an idea.
The only sites I regularly visit are those with information I find pertinent, such as,,, etc.

Kaotik: Can you tell us a little more about your modules?

BitC3R0: Well, the modules from and were created considering, primarily, the needs I and my clients had. Maybe because of this, I've always tried to make them as functional and professional as possible.
I put a lot of dedication into the creation of each of my modules, always considering their objectives.

Kaotik: Do you apply the same visual richness you have in your themes to your modules?

BitC3R0: 当然。当我从事需要图形界面的工作时,我追求在功能性和美观性两个方面达到最高水平。

Kaotik: RMSOFT Downloads Plus 和 RM+Soft GS 好像是最受欢迎的两个模块;你能告诉我们这些模块与类似的模块有何不同吗?

BitC3R0: 是的;实际上,Downloads Plus 和 GS 是我们发布的最受欢迎的两个模块。这可能是由于我们创建它们是为了针对更具商业化的市场;换句话说,我们是为需要高度可定制模块的 Xoops 网站而创建的。
最初我开始使用像 mydownloads 这样优秀的模块,它包含在标准的 Xoops 安装中。我很快就感到需要更多的功能,因此决定创建一个更适合我需求的模块。在 RMSOft Downloads Plus 的第一个版本中,我试图模仿 和 等网站的某些功能。所以我主要是基于开发主要针对下载的网站来开发。
至于 RMSOFT GS,我可以告诉你我们正在“烹饪”一个新版本。请大家为 2.0 新版本做好准备。

Kaotik: 你认为 Xoops 有哪些限制?你希望为未来版本提出哪些改进建议?

BitC3R0: 在图形层面,我能想到的只有 Xoops 2.2 中修改 template_system_siteclosed.html 限制。在之前的版本中,你可以很容易地更改网站关闭信息的显示。由于 Xoops 使用 Smarty 提供的灵活性,你很容易地创建出先进的主题。
关于 Xoops 的开发,我认为不应该在 Xoops 2.0.13 和 Xoops 2.2 之间存在分裂线。这只会分裂 Xoops 社区的偏好和完整性。即使它们是同一种系统,它们也不是100%兼容的,这会在尝试开发新模块时造成一些麻烦。

Kaotik: 你想对我们的读者说些什么作为结束语吗?

BitC3R0: 仅仅是说我们有一些新模块在等待。我们正在准备 RMSOFT GS 2.0 和另外两个新模块。

Kaotik: 感谢你抽出时间进行这次采访。

BitC3R0: 很高兴,正如我经常说的:“Que viva XOOPS por una comunidad libre y participative” [翻译:为自由和参与性的 Xoops 社区欢呼]
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