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HERE LOGGING IN FOR THE FIRST TIME ************************************ -Make sure you have setup the season and league, teams are unique to each season and also unique to each league too. -You must first add at least two teams per League to the database to access leaguamatches-page. MENU AND SEASON SELECTOR ************************************ With menu you can navigate through admin area and with season/league selector you can change season/league you want to edit. SEASON CONTROL ************************************ You can add as many seasons as you like, though seasons with same name can not be added. Add new season simply by giving a season name and clicking 'Add season'-button. New season name should now appear on the right side of the page. It is best to use years as season names ie. 2004, 2005, 2006 and so on. But you can enter any name you want for the season. Modify season by clicking it first from the list and then do necessary changes. Seasons are automatically published. If you don't want to publish specific season, then uncheck the checkbox. If season is published, it is visible at the actual statistics. If you want to delete a season, you must first delete all matches from it. LEAGUE CONTROL ************************************ You can add as many leagues as you like, though leagues with same name can not be added. Add new league simply by giving a league name and clicking 'Add league'-button. New league name should now appear on the right side of the page. Modify league by clicking it first from the list and then do necessary changes. Leagues are automatically published. If you don't want to publish specific league, then uncheck the checkbox. If league is published, it is visible at the actual statistics. If you want to delete a league, you must first delete all matches from it. leagues are NOT unique to each season, so all league names can be seen in any season. TEAM CONTROL ************************************* Control teams same as seasons and leagues. There is a checkbox when you edit a team name. If checkbox is checked, it means that team is your team. Teams are unique to each season and league, you will only see the teams that are entered for the selected season & league. MAKE SURE that you select the correct league and season before submitting a new team!! LEAGUE MATCH CONTROL ************************************* Add matches: -choose a date (year is automatically chosen from the year name or season name so make sure the season is in format yyyy eg. 2005 -select teams from the dropdown menus (add final scores). Finally click 'Add matches' -max 15 matches can be added to certain date each time -NOTICE: there can't be duplication entry for a team for one date!! After selecting Teams matches, enter the amount of runs in the RH column (or RA for away team), the WH & WA columns are for wickets scored. ie.. if you scored 145 for 10 you enter 10 in the corresponding column. the BP column is for Bonus Points, many leagues have different rules concerning bonus points, these can range from 1 point for reaching 75 runs, 3 points for reaching 100 runs etc. I thought it best and easier to just add the box for manual input of bonus points instead of trying to figure an automatic based method. Modify matches: -to choose all matches from certain date, click the date in the left -to choose single match, click home or away team Delete match: -click the home or away team in the left and choose 'delete' MINITABLE BLOCK ********************************** TPLLeagueStats comes with a block showing the default season's/Leagues ranking + runs for and against. It can be activated via blocks administration. TIPS ********************************* If you want to give your team name another color instead of the default one, name you team for example
您的团队。如果您稍后想修改团队的名称可能不太方便,因为它存在一个问题,我希望能尽快解决。待办事项清单:1) 可模板化!2) 管理区域改进 & 整理。3) 制作用户前端打印友好的页面(一旦启用模板和 smarty 会更容易)可能还有一些小的我没有发现的问题,但是我没有收到任何 PHP 错误或 MySQL 错误。我仅在 XOOPS 上进行了测试。目前此模块可能不会与 XOOPS 2.2 或更高版本一起工作.. 如果有人有兴趣帮助我实现待办事项清单中的目标并使 2.2 兼容,您的帮助将非常感激!!