XOOPS: XOOPS 2.3.3 最终版发布

发布者: phppp 在 2009/3/15 9:10:00 69688 次阅读
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在短短三个月内(查看这里),XOOPS 开发团队在超过 25,000 次下载了 XOOPS 2.3.2b 后,很高兴地宣布发布 XOOPS 2.3.3 最终版

此版本包括许多虫洞修复和用户体验改进,由XOOPS 核心开发团队和XOOPS 社区完成。

- 用户资料和문답模块由dhcst改进
- 安装程序由dugris和marco等人改进
- 主题由mamba、aph3x、kris和burning改进
- tinymce编辑器由dugris和luciorota改进
- snoopy类由julionc升级
- smarty由dhcst升级
- bug tracker由marco管理


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系统要求 ----------------------------------- PHP:任何大于等于4.3的PHP版本(PHP 4.2.x可能可用,但未官方支持,强烈推荐PHP 5.0+) MySQL:MySQL服务器3.23+(强烈推荐MySQL 5.0+) Web服务器:支持所需PHP版本的任何服务器(强烈推荐Apache) 下载XOOPS ----------------------------------- 您可以从sourceforge.net文件库获取本发行版软件包。提供了.zip和.gz存档。 安装XOOPS ----------------------------------- 1. 将htdocs/文件夹的内容复制到可以被服务器访问的地方 2. 确保mainfile.php和uploads/可以被Web服务器写入 3. 考虑到安全性,建议将目录"/xoops_lib"(用于XOOPS库)和"/xoops_data"(用于XOOPS数据)移动出根目录,甚至更改文件夹名称。 4. 使xoops_data/文件夹可写;创建(如果尚不存在)并使xoops_data/caches/、xoops_data/caches/xoops_cache/、xoops_data/caches/smarty_cache/和xoops_data/caches/smarty_compile/文件夹可写。 5. 使用Web浏览器访问您安装的htdocs/文件所在的文件夹,以启动安装向导 在XOOPS中安装Protector ----------------------------------- 我们还强烈推荐安装PROTECTOR模块,这将为您网站提供额外的安全保护和日志记录功能:要使用全新的XOOPS安装安装protector模块,在安装XOOPS之前,从xoops根目录删除mainfile.dist.php,将/extras/mainfile.dist.php.protector复制到/htdocs/mainfile.dist.php,并将其重命名为mainfile.dist.php。 要使用从先前版本升级到XOOPS 2.3.1安装protector模块,在升级XOOPS之前,从xoops根目录删除mainfile.dist.php,将/extras/mainfile.dist.php.protector复制到/upgrade/upd-2.0.18-to-2.3.0/mainfile.dist.php,并将其重命名为mainfile.dist.php。 从先前版本升级 ----------------------------------- 从XOOPS 2.3.1或2.3.2升级(简单方法) 1. 从sourceforge文件库获取正确的更新包 2. 用新文件覆盖您的现有文件 3. 将"upgrade"文件夹移动到本地机器的"htdocs"文件夹内(因为它在完整安装中不需要,所以已经被排除在外) 4. 使用浏览器访问/upgrade/,并遵循指示 5. 遵循指示以更新您的数据库 6. 从您的服务器中删除upgrade文件夹 7. 从模块管理界面更新"system"模块,还建议更新其他模块,特别是"profile"模块 从XOOPS 2.0.*(大于2.0.14)和2.2.*升级(使用完整包) 1. 将"upgrade"文件夹移动到本地机器的"htdocs"文件夹内(因为它在完整安装中不需要,所以已经被排除在外) 2. 从本地机器上的"htdocs"文件夹中删除htdocs/mainfile.php、htdocs/install/、htdocs/cache/、htdocs/extras/、htdocs/template_c/、htdocs/themes/和htdocs/uploads/ 3. 上传本地机器上的htdocs文件夹内容到服务器上现有的文件 4. 考虑到安全性,建议将目录xoops_lib(用于XOOPS库)和xoops_data(用于XOOPS数据)移动出根目录,甚至更改文件夹名称。 5. 使xoops_data/文件夹可写;创建并使xoops_data/caches/、xoops_data/caches/xoops_cache/、xoops_data/caches/smarty_cache/和xoops_data/caches/smarty_compile/文件夹可写。 6. 确保服务器可以写入mainfile.php 7. 访问使用浏览器访问/upgrade/,并遵循说明 8. 按照说明更新您的数据库 9. 再次对mainfile.php进行写保护 10. 从您的服务器删除升级文件夹 11. 从模块管理界面更新“系统”模块,建议同时更新其他模块 从 2.0.7 到 的任何 XOOPS 版本升级(使用完整包): 1. 将“升级”文件夹移动到您的本地机器上的“htdocs”文件夹内(由于它对于完整安装不是必需的,所以之前曾保留在外部) 2. 从您的本地机器上的“htdocs”文件夹删除 htdocs/mainfile.php、htdocs/install/、htdocs/cache/、htdocs/extras/、htdocs/template_c/、htdocs/themes/ 和 htdocs/uploads/ 3. 将您本地机器上的 htdocs 文件夹内容上传到您的服务器上现有的文件中 4. 从您的服务器中删除以下文件夹和文件(它们属于旧版本):* class/smarty/core * class/smarty/plugins/resource.db.php 5. 确保服务器可以对 mainfile.php 进行写入操作 6. 考虑到安全性,建议将 xoops_lib (XOOPS 库) 和 xoops_data (XOOPS 数据) 文件夹从文档根目录中移出,或者甚至更改文件夹名称。 7. 使 xoops_data 目录可写;创建并使 xoops_data/caches/、xoops_data/caches/xoops_cache/、xoops_data/caches/smarty_cache/ 和 xoops_data/caches/smarty_compile/ 目录可写。 8. 访问/upgrade/,并遵循说明 9. 再次对 mainfile.php 进行写保护 10. 从您的服务器删除升级文件夹 11. 从模块管理界面更新“系统”模块,建议同时更新其他模块 非 UTF-8 网站升级: UTF-8 编码在 XOOPS 2.3 中引入为默认字符集。但是,将现有网站从非 UTF-8 字符集转换为 UTF-8 可能会遇到一些问题。在找到一个好的转换解决方案之前,如果您不是经验丰富的用户,那么在升级现有网站时建议以下设置:- 在升级过程中,在“数据库字符集和校对”步骤中选择“不更改”选项 - 修改 /languages/yourlanguage/global.php 以使用现有的 _CHARSET 值。如果它已在新 global.php 文件中更改为 UTF-8,则将其
[/quote] Upgrading XoopsEditor package: In the XOOPS package, there are five editors included: dhtmltextarea and textarea for plain text, fckeditor, tinymce and koivi for WYSIWYG HTML. Since there are some directory structure changes in both fckeditor and tinymce editors, you are recommended to remove existent editors before uploading the new additors. And if you are using fckeditor for modules, please modify module specific configs following the files in /fckeditor/modules/, especially if you use "article" module. Debug information display level ----------------------------------- Since XOOPS 2.3.1 debug information display level is enabled as a temporary solution for 2.3* to show debug information to different level of users: to all users, to members or to admins only. The configuration can be set in /xoops_data/configs/xoopsconfig.php A new debug information renderer is redesigned in XOOPS 3.0 Files integrity check ----------------------------------- The full XOOPS package is released with a script able to check if all the system files have been correctly uploaded to the server. To use it, follow these instructions: 1. Upload the checksum.php and checksum.md5 files located in the XOOPS package root to your XOOPS server folder (putting them next to mainfile.php). 2. Execute checksum.php with your browser 3. If necessary, re-upload the missing or corrupted system files 4. Remove checksum.php and checksum.md5 from your server Modules ----------------------------------- This release contains only the "system-related modules". You are invited to browse the XOOPS modules repository to if you need additional functionality. Note: as a new repository is being built, the current repository is not up-to-date, PLEASE VISIT INDIVIDUAL DEVELOPERS' WEBSITES TO MAKE SURE YOU ARE USING LATEST VERSION OF MODULES. How to contribute ----------------------------------- Bug report: http://sourceforge.net/tracker2/?group_id=41586&atid=430840 Patch and enhancement: http://sourceforge.net/tracker2/?group_id=41586&atid=430842 Feature design: http://sourceforge.net/tracker2/?group_id=41586&atid=430843 Release announcement: https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/xoops-announcement XOOPS Development Team March 15, 2009 ========================================== XOOPS Changelog ============================ 2009/03/15: Version 2.3.3 ============================ Updates from Sourceforge trackers: - Fixed bug #2414112: Hardcoded Style (mowaffak/dugris) - Fixed bug #2419532: maxlength (25) for adminname and display strong password generator (bandit/dugris) - Fixed bug #2501237: merger complete configuration files (default and custom) (zoullou/dugris) - Fixed bug #2426129: XoopsFormEditor class uses the selected XoopsEditor customized renderValidationJS method when exists (luciorota) - Fixed bug #2164522: Last login date display fixed for user had never logged (julionc/marco/colossus) - Fixed bug #2164510: "Url" field in Profile module isn't a link (julionc/marco/colossus) - Fixed bug #2217070: CSS Language files were not adequately loaded in Cpanel GUI and wrong css file (julionc/tititou) - Fixed bug #2331727: rank image was not required in edit form but checked upon submission (phppp/burning/marco) - Fixed bug #2163373: removed extra ':' from smilie form (phppp/tititou) - Fixed bug #2341118: blank page only guests (dhcst) - Fixed bug #1193857: UTF-8 for non-english Websites(dhcst) - Fixed bug #2340000: display *=required for the required fields (dhcst) - Fixed bug #2172528: Fatal error: Call to a member function isAdmin() (dhcst) - Fixed bug #2378095: module pm - wrong start values (mcleines) - Fixed bug #2332106: exm css warning (dhcst) - Fixed bug #2158984: Remember me checkbox set to on by default (dhcst) - Fixed bug #2344245: module pm - prune function - Fixed bug #2494356: Upgrade Smarty 2.6.22 (dhcst) - Fixed bug #2340215: [img] and [url] (dhcst) - Fixed bug #2192934: PM - Can't delete - Fixed bug #2414383: Blocks were not sorted correctly once data are not reconciled (phppp/mcleines/dejadingo) - Fixed bug #2571592: Element id is not recognized in XoopsFormCheckBox (phppp/madreus) - Fixed bug #2579969: typo in config "filterxss_on_display" (phppp/marco/grandoc) - Fixed bug #2549140: CAPTCHA image is not displayed with some IE browsers (phppp/saba/dhcst) - Fixed bug #2489130: element id is not used correctly (phppp/trabis) - Fixed bug #2573097: request parameters are not stored in block admin (phppp/sabahan) - Fixed bug #2380971: display informative message for notification options (phppp/bandit-x) - Fixed bug #2483646: caption for username is missing (phppp/sabahan/mcleines) - Fixed bug #2340302: username is truncated when editing a user by admin (phppp/GPboarder) - Fixed bug #2602337: variable "XOOPS_VAR_PATH" is wrongly typed in upgrader 2.0.18 to 2.3.0 (phppp/mcleines) - Fixed bug #2340700: improvement on readme (phppp/ghia/Phmo) - Fixed bug #2637832: content is missing in function xoopsCodeTarea (phppp/mamba/ToloXoop/Ghia) + Implemented feature #2154340 or meta tags for register, user and userinfo files for SEO Optimization (julionc/kerkyra) + Implemented feature #2193964 or localization in Installer system (julionc/voltan) Updates upon community: - Fixed pagenav - extra parameter contains an anchor (dugris) - Fixed sort categories - module profile (dhcst/trabis) - Fixed permission for Usergroups - module profile (dhcst) - Fixed bug in user.php: page is not accessible due to infinitive redirect loop if profile module is installed but permission is not set properly (phppp/AAAAAgg) - Refactoring XoopsLogger in /class/logger/xoopslogger.php (julionc/phppp/tititou) - Changed language folder from 'dutch' to 'nederlands' in upgrade (phppp) - Improved installer (dugris/phppp/ezsky/marco) - Improved system_siteclosed.html in default and Zetagenesis Theme (mamba/aph3x/kris/dugris) - Improved system_redirect.html in defautl and Zetagenesis theme (kris) - Improved template cache handler to allow module-wide cache update (phppp) + Added search field groups - module profile (only for webmasters) + Added checks for XOOPS_TRUST_PATH outside DocumentRoot, Xoops_Cache is writable (dhcst) + Implemented template to homepage (phppp) + Implemented localization support for content rendering (phppp/julionc/rowdie/irmtfan/mamba/voltan) + Implemented localization support for RSS feeds (phppp/dugris) + Added module names to not installed module list (phppp) + Added module preference entrance to system preference list (phppp/herve) + Added double_encode support to MyTextSanitizer::htmlSpecialChars (phppp/dugris/dhcst) + Added Stylesheet for pagenav (burning/kris) Third-party updates: - Upgraded Snoopy Class to 1.2.4 (julionc) - Upgraded Smarty to 2.6.22 (dhcst) Modified language files: /language/english/global.php added: "_REQUIRED" (dhcst) /language/english/admin.php added: "_AD_WARNINGINSTALL", "_AD_WARNINGWRITEABLE", "_AD_WARNINGNOTWRITEABLE" and "_AD_WARNINGXOOPSLIBINSIDE" (phppp/dhcst) /language/english/user.php (julionc) /modules/system/language/english/admin/preferences.php added: "_MD_AM_MODULEPREF" (phppp) /modules/profile/language/english/modinfo.php added: "_PROFILE_MI_NEVER_LOGED_IN" (julionc) /modules/profile/language/english/main.php added: "_PROFILE_MA_ACTUS" and "_PROFILE_MA_FOUNDUSER" (dhcst) /install/language/english/install.php (phppp) /install/language/english/welcome.php (phppp) /install/language/english/finish.php (phppp) Added language files: /language/english/backend.php (phppp) /language/english/style.css (phppp) /themes/zetagenesis/language/english/ (phppp) /themes/zetagenesis/language/english/main.php (phppp) /themes/zetagenesis/language/english/script.js (phppp) /themes/zetagenesis/language/english/style.css (phppp) /upgrade/language/english/style.css (phppp) /install/language/english/support.php (dugris) /install/language/english/support.png (dugris)