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  1. smartsection,文章模块。 主要用来实现文档管理,方便团队成员编辑和分享文档资源以及发布新闻等;
  2. extcal,行事历模块,主要用来进行活动的安排以及充当日历工具;
  3. wfdownloads,下载模块。主要用来进行团队成员间文件的分享;
  4. aChat,聊天模块。用来做团队成员间的即时交流;
  5. marquee,滚动文字。用来做团队信息的即时发布;
  6. todomod,用来作事项安排;
  7. xmmemberstats,团队成员列表;
  8. xoopsmembers,团队成员搜索;
  9. xt_conteudo,用来替换系统自带的导航菜单。


  1. 将所有需要的模块安装好后,按照使用上的习惯修改模块的显示顺序以及名称。
  2. 因为团队管理是一个内部成员应用,进入xoops后台的群组管理中设置相应的权限,一般来说首页在未登录得情况下只显示登录窗口就可以了。
  3. 对所使用的模块进行相应的设置,进入区块安排项中,将需要的区块设置在首页上显示。具体如下图



西部梦想网走过的路 犐缤鸥粘闪⒌哪歉鍪罴伲一丶腋鲂瞧诤缶头敌A耍皇俏鞑啃校辉蚴俏私ㄉ栉鞑棵蜗胪R行还睦耍以谏厦嫜扒蟀镏芸斓玫搅嘶赜ΑD潜闶俏颐堑牡谝桓鐾荆衷谝丫薹ǚ梦柿恕V饕�绿·设计的主人ぃ岸芷汀澜べ帮助开发,我四处找空间,最后得到中资源的免费支持,终于在出发之前了却此事。新学期来,网站投入使用,在西部行后期的结对帮助上,西部梦想网功不可没,但是受网络速度、人员不足、设计的限制,网站主页的更新无法保证。于是开始走上改版道路。我一直期待着一种自由沟通、一种广泛参与的网络生活方式。但是商业利益的角逐、网站管理的复杂或者功能的简陋,让我经常处在失望的一岸!终于有一次,在QienKuen的推荐下我尝试了xoops。刚开始很不在乎,也许又是一次耗时耗力。但是不到几分钟,我便被xoops完全吸引了。连续3、4天一直在研究它,当我第一次在本地架起站点时,欣喜万分,赶快去洗了一次澡(之前3、4天都没)。现在想想,为何如此着迷,不但是她的功能、方便的管理、而且在于她是开源的。所有源程序都由志愿者开发,毫无商业利益的挂钩。感觉是志同道合。但是建设xoops要求有php和mysql支持,于是再一次联系了中资源。他们的回答让我感觉到了一个中国顶级网络服务公司的大气。于是有了现在的西部梦想网,虽然尚未设计完毕,但我相信xoops一定不会让我们失望,西部梦想网在以后的日子里必能走上一条发展的快车道。


更新时间: 2007-02-07 11:04:29 作者: techrepublic.com.com
关键词: CMS 内容管理系统





* 文本/文件管理工具(比如CVS)
* 日历
* 时间跟踪
* 项目管理
* 用户/用户群管理

Managing a XOOPS content management system

by Jack Wallen | More from Jack Wallen | 11/16/06

Takeaway: If you want to build a content management system, you don’t have to spend big bucks. Jack Wallen shows how to build an inexpensive yet powerful CMS for your Web site by using XOOPS.

Previously, I wrote about how to install and setup one of the most powerful open source Web tools, XOOPS. Of course the basic installation and setup will be of little good to those wanting to run powerful content management systems for a company. With that in mind it only makes sense to show how to take XOOPS and turn it into that powerful CMS. And that is exactly what we are going to do.

So from installing necessary modules, to configuring those modules, to using those modules, after this article, XOOPS will be purring along nicely as your new content management system.
Modules, modules everywhere

What we want to do is pick and choose the modules that will create a very versatile CMS. So we won’t assume any particular usage for the CMS. What we will want to have are:

* document/file management tools (such as CVS)
* calendaring
* time tracking
* project management
* user/group management

My first thought was that I was going to have to collect together an entire group of modules to piece together everything necessary to mold XOOPS into a well-rounded CMS. But the more I research the more I realize that modularizing a CMS could easily lead to a disconnected process. That of course may install a bit of a hurdle in creating a CMS with our tool. But it’s not impossible. Knowing this I will start from the bottom up and highlight the module/(s) that will serve as the foundation for the CMS.

The one module I have found most useful for creating a CMS is the AMS (Article Management System) module. At first it seems this module might be everything needed to create a solid CMS. But there are a few necessary tools missing. More on that later. The over-riding issue with this module is, even though it serves as an outstanding core for the CMS, it’s far from intuitive. Because of this, a good portion of this article will be dedicated to the explanation of this module.

使用XOOPS 为企业网站充电

使用XOOPS 为企业网站充电
更新时间: 2007-02-12 11:22:21 作者: techrepublic.com.com
关键词: 内容管理系统 网站




XOOPS(念做“Zoops”)是一个“可扩展面向目标门户系统(eXtensible Object Oriented Portal System)”的缩写。尽管它起初是作为一个门户系统开始的,但XOOPS实际上却走了一条内容管理系统的路线。它可以成为适用于小,中,大型网站的网页框架,来作为内容管理,或者作为一个店面。XOOPS的关键功能是:

基于主题的可换肤接口: XOOPS由一个强力的主题系统驱动。管理员和用户都可以通过轻点鼠标,完成整个网站外观的改变。而目前可用可下载的主题已超过60个!

Supercharge your Web site with XOOPS
by Jack Wallen | More from Jack Wallen | 11/14/06

Takeaway: Building a dynamic Web site needn’t be a chore of tedious programming. Using a tool like XOOPS, you can get a powerful site up and running without a lot of effort. Jack Wallen shows how it works.

Recently I wrote a series of articles on phpWebsite. For many years phpWebsite was my Web site tool of choice. But lately I have come across a tool that blows away any other Web site construction tools available. Not only is XOOPS powerful but the XOOPS community is taking its creation/development very seriously, with modules and themes by the hundreds.

This article will give you a solid understanding of what XOOPS is and how it is installed. Once up and running your site is only limited to your imagination and time available.
Understanding XOOPS

XOOPS (pronounced Zoops) is an acronym of eXtensible Object Oriented Portal System. Though started as a portal system, XOOPS is in fact striving steadily on the track of Content Management System. It can serve as a Web framework for use by small, medium and large sites as a content management or storefront. The key features of XOOPS are:

* Database-driven: XOOPS uses a relational database (currently MySQL) to store data required for running a Web-based content management system.
* Fully Modularized: Modules can be installed/uninstalled/activated/deactivated with a click using the XOOPS module administration system.
* Personalization: Registered users can edit their profiles, select site themes, upload custom avatars, and much more!
* User Management: The ability to search for users by various criteria, send email and private messages to users through a template-based messaging system.
* Supported World-wide: XOOPS was created and is maintained by a team of several hard-working volunteers working from all over the world. The XOOPS community has more than dozen official support sites around the world for support of non-English speaking users.
* Multi-byte Language Support: Fully supports multi-byte languages, including Japanese, Simplified and Traditional Chinese, Korean, etc.
* Versatile Group Permissions System: Powerful and user-friendly permissions system which enables administrators to set permissions by group.
* Theme-based skinnable interface: XOOPS is driven by a powerful theme system. Both admins and users can change the look of the entire Web site with just a click of a mouse. There are also over 60 themes available for download!!