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网站 : Xoops模块

Xoops帮助中心(Xoops FAQ) V1.15 Beta 中文utf8版本

Hiya Xoopers,

As a drive to get all the official XOOPS modules updated and working on Xoops 2.3 and PHP 5, we would like if you would participate in the future development of this module and help with testing, new features, documentation and languages.

There have been many changes to this module, 99.5% of the code has been re-factored and the whole administration section has been changed.

This is just the first phase in the update of these modules. We will be updating the templates in the near future and adding many more Xoops features, like Notifications, group access permissions etc.

If you would like to foster this Module and aid in its future development, please contact us.

Download the module from:


Many Thanks,


提交者: 东至
发布者: 未指明
提交日期: Thu, 23-Apr-2009

版本: 0
下载次数: 843
文件大小: 96.22 KB
网站: 未指明
镜像网站: 未指明

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价格: 免费 | 支持平台: XOOPS2.3.x | 许可: GNU General Public License (GPL) (v. 2.0) | 限制: 未指明

XOOPS China 用户点评

其他文件: 东至
XOOPS 2.3 RC UCenter版 (Mon, 01-Sep-2008)

Xoops帮助中心(Xoops FAQ) V1.15 Beta 中文utf8版本 © 版权所有 2010 XOOPS China

发表者 树状展开