XOOPS: XOOPS 2.5.1 正式版发布
发布人:phppp,于 2011/4/8 8:30:00 19952 次阅读XOOPS 2.5.1 正式版发布
XOOPS 开发团队很高兴宣布发布XOOPS 2.5.1 正式版。修复了几个错误,并根据 Aung Khant 的报告增强了安全性。
请注意,错误修复并不完整,2.5 系列将继续采用小型但频繁的发布规则,以便用户能够利用快速修复。
这个 2.5 系列建立在XOOPS 2.4.x 系列的基础上,目标是在不改变架构或API的情况下改进可用性。系统模块已更新,主要重新设计,采用基于 jQuery 的 AJAX,主要由 ForMusS、kraven_30 和 Mage 完成,trabis、voltan、Kris_fr、onokazu 等人做出了贡献。
鼓励开发者改进新功能和API,但建议不要立即在其模块中使用它们,因为这些是为XOOPS 3(或 Xoops Engine)中的新架构设计的。
开发者可以在 http://www.xoopsengine.org 检查 Xoops Engine 的详细信息,为模块和主题的下一个版本做准备。
从 Sourceforge 仓库 下载 XOOPS 2.5.1。
System requirements ----------------------------------- PHP: Any PHP version >= 5.2 (PHP 5.3+ is strongly recommended) MySQL: MySQL server 5.0+ Web server: Any server supporting the required PHP version (Apache highly recommended) Downloading XOOPS ----------------------------------- Your can get this release package from the sourceforge.net file repository. There are .zip and .gz archives provided. Installing XOOPS ----------------------------------- 1. Copy the content of the htdocs/ folder where it can be accessed by your server 2. Ensure mainfile.php and uploads/ are writable by the web server 3. For security considerations, you are encouraged to move directories "/xoops_lib" (for XOOPS libraries) and "/xoops_data" (for XOOPS data) out of Document Root, and change the folder names. 4. Make the directory xoops_data/ writable; Create (if not already present) and make the directories xoops_data/caches/, xoops_data/caches/xoops_cache/, xoops_data/caches/smarty_cache/ and xoops_data/caches/smarty_compile/ writable. 5. Access the folder where you installed the htdocs/ files using your web browser to launch the installation wizard Installing Protector in XOOPS ----------------------------------- We also highly recommend the installation of the PROTECTOR module which will bring additional security protection and logging capabilities to your site. You can also check out the detailed Installation Guide Note for people upgrading from previous XOOPS versions: ------------------------------------ 1) If you use custom templates, you should convert them into files inside your theme folder before upgrading. The option to store custom templates in DB is deprecated 2) The option to store images in DB is also deprecated. Upgrading from a previous version ----------------------------------- Upgrading from 2.5.0 to 2.5.1: 1. Get the right update package from the sourceforge file repository 2. Overwrite files in XOOPS directory on your server with the content of /htdocs * make sure that you copy the content of /xoops_lib to whatever directory you keep it on the server now (it should be your current XOOPS_TRUST_PATH directory), then delete the /xoops_lib directory. There can NOT be two directories with the content of /xoops_lib 3. Update the "system" module from the modules administration interface. Other modules, especially "Profile" and "Protector" are recommended to update as well Upgrading from previous versions older than 2.5.0: The upgrade scripts from older versions to 2.5.0 are not complete, however it won't affect your XOOPS site. The scripts will be improved in next release. Following is an instruction for upgrading from XOOPS 2.4.5 to 2.5 provided by John Healy: 0. Verify the system requirements, in particular the version of PHP. Backup your XOOPS database and site directory. (There are several ways to do these actions, which are discussed elsewhere.) Turning your site off is optional. Change the permissions on mainfile.php and /include/license.php to be writable, for example: File Normal For upgrade mainfile.php 400 700 /include/license.php 444 777 Get the correct update package from the SourceForge file repository. 1. In the upgrade package folder, move the "upgrade" folder inside the "htdocs" folder, if it's not already there. Remove the install folder from the "htdocs" folder, if it's there. Remove the mainfile.php file from the "htdocs" folder, if it's there. If you've moved the xoops_data and xoops_lib folders outside your site's root directory, move these folders out of the "htdocs" folder in the upgrade package folder. 2. Delete the /modules/system directory on your current XOOPS site (to get rid of any old unnecessary files). 3. Overwrite the files in the XOOPS directory on your current XOOPS site with the content of "htdocs" folder of the upgrade package. (There are several ways to do this action, which are discussed elsewhere.) As noted above, if relocated, overwrite the files in your current xoops_data and xoops_lib with the content of those in the upgrade package. 4. If you have Protector previously installed, open the "mainfile.php" file , and remove the Pre-check and Post-check lines (if they exist): include XOOPS_TRUST_PATH.'/modules/protector/include/precheck.inc.php' ; include XOOPS_TRUST_PATH.'/modules/protector/include/postcheck.inc.php' ; 5. At your site's address (URL), login as administrator. Access