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天下博览 - #123542 merged imag1

#123542 merged

出处 | XOOPS development log
日期: 2006/4/18 13:52
点击: 35

As those who are watching the SVN operations have been able to see, I've just merged the task #123542 changes to the 2.3 branch. This task branch has seen an insane number of changes or additions, and isn't really a good example of the way things should be done in normal circumstances, but the actual ones do not really correspond to this definition.

As personal contributions were not coming naturally after the release of alpha 1, I decided to go to a longer cycle, trying to take care of the particular points the few people I knew around needed to be done before being able to join.

So, instead of focusing on taking care of precise points and finishing them entirely, I tried to dedicate myself to those anticipated contributors as much as I could. Concretely this means that:
- what phppp and I needed to start making the new localization framework is here
- what pemen needed to integrate it's modular authentication system, and implement the corresponding configuration panels is here
- what would be needed to make a dynamic metas generator integrated to the theme engine is here
- The 1st draft of the new architecture technical doc/API will be published within a couple days

This means that the current source has some issues that would prevent it from being used in a public environment, but on the other side this means that at least 3 people will start working on the development from now on... and this was the most important.

All this has been tagged as 2.3.0-a2 in the SVN /releases/ folder, but may not be released as alpha 1 was, but more for internal use. However curious are free to look at it (just: don't forget to read the release notes if you want to be able to install it <img src=" style="display: inline; vertical-align: bottom;" class="emoticon" />).
Also, due to the amount of additions or new possibilities, I wont describe all here today, but it's going to start ASAP. Anyway, to give you a brief idea, here's the reduced changelog:

Continue reading "#123542 merged"

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