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天下博览 - Here we go imag1

Here we go

出处 | XOOPS development log
日期: 2005/12/27 11:56
点击: 36

I guess I've waited long enough now... lost the 2 last days trying to adapt some modules to my need, to no avail. When the module has the correct views, its output is just too messy to be cleaned. When the output is correct enough, there's no way to make a view with the correct data <img src=" style="display: inline; vertical-align: bottom;" class="emoticon" />

DJ's article module looks promising, but I had no time to make it work with 2.3: even with the PersistableObjectHandler class, there were still problems. So I gave up, thinking it would be better to stop losing time with those details and only have the blog module to start with: I said to Marco I'd give a document to modules devs to describe what not to use in 2.2, and I'm late. Now that the site is on, I can do that.

URL: http://xoops.org.cn/modules/planet/view.article.php/226
Trackback: http://xoops.org.cn/modules/planet/trackback.php/226
