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天下博览 - Trunk frozen for 2.0.14 imag1

Trunk frozen for 2.0.14

出处 | XOOPS development log
日期: 2006/6/21 21:23
点击: 53

The trunk has been frozen until the release of 2.0.14 (planned for the 24th unless somebody reports a serious problem with the actual source). A bunch of bugs were fixed since the release of RC1, but no real problem due to the changes performed in the RC was reported (apart from an UTF8 related issue due to a sptupid change of mine).

The release should be announced tomorrow on the mailing-list, and until then people interested can download the SVN snapshot made today from the sourceforge repository (I may add a link to it in the left column block tomorrow, I'm just too tired right now). We'll try to make such snapshots regularly from now on, to ensure you can get the latest SVN changes without having to install a Subversion client.

URL: http://xoops.org.cn/modules/planet/view.article.php/1009
Trackback: http://xoops.org.cn/modules/planet/trackback.php/1009

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