天下博览 V2.02

No internet doesn't make jack a dull boy...

日期: 2006年03月07日 17:28
摘要: ... but it's not fun nevertheless Well, sorry for this public inactivity you've seen during the latest weeks. My connection quality became quite irregular a bit less than one month ago, making me commit quite irregularly. Then, while I was still blaming my ISP, it finally came to an end 10 days ago when my modem entirely burnt (ok... for once it wasn't them).That's in front of cases like this you start thinking that living in the countryside doesn't only have advantages... anyway the problem will be fixed soon. I had to move to Paris for the week after this week-end meeting with some french community members and should be able to send a few posts here until I come back home at the end of the week, with a shiny new modem, and lots of things to send to the SVN, to ensure a 2nd alpha can be released not long after (less than a week).So there will be more news soon... before I can go back to coding, I'll post a few technical entries here during the week as much as I can: for those of you who had been worried about this point, this 2nd alpha will be the last release mainly written by your servant. Phppp and I will start working on the new i18n layer together as soon as alpha2 is here (as it will be based on his great xlanguage module), pemen who I met this week-end will have everything he needs to re-implement his LDAP/directories authentication classes, and if the oracles are with us Herve will work on implementing his dynamic metas generator as a theme plug-in... So my posts will be primarily for them, to provide them with something a bit more explanatory than the technical/API reference (1st version to be released with alpha 2 ) to speed up their learning of the new functionalities.

... but it's not fun nevertheless <img src=" style="display: inline; vertical-align: bottom;" class="emoticon" />

Well, sorry for this public inactivity you've seen during the latest weeks. My connection quality became quite irregular a bit less than one month ago, making me commit quite irregularly. Then, while I was still blaming my ISP, it finally came to an end 10 days ago when my modem entirely burnt (ok... for once it wasn't them).

That's in front of cases like this you start thinking that living in the countryside doesn't only have advantages... anyway the problem will be fixed soon. I had to move to Paris for the week after this week-end meeting with some french community members and should be able to send a few posts here until I come back home at the end of the week, with a shiny new modem, and lots of things to send to the SVN, to ensure a 2nd alpha can be released not long after (less than a week).

So there will be more news soon... before I can go back to coding, I'll post a few technical entries here during the week as much as I can: for those of you who had been worried about this point, this 2nd alpha will be the last release mainly written by your servant. Phppp and I will start working on the new i18n layer together as soon as alpha2 is here (as it will be based on his great xlanguage module), pemen who I met this week-end will have everything he needs to re-implement his LDAP/directories authentication classes, and if the oracles are with us Herve will work on implementing his dynamic metas generator as a theme plug-in... So my posts will be primarily for them, to provide them with something a bit more explanatory than the technical/API reference (1st version to be released with alpha 2 <img src=" style="display: inline; vertical-align: bottom;" class="emoticon" />) to speed up their learning of the new functionalities.

天下博览 V2.02
URL: http://xoops.org.cn/modules/planet/view.article.php/c/657/p