天下博览 V2.02

Folders structure

日期: 2005年12月28日 09:02
摘要: The 2.3 core folders structure has been modified compared to the 2.0.xone. While all the 2.0 files were supposed to be copied inside thewebserver document root, 2.3 will start separating the files that haveto be served (modules pages, themes files) from the ones that do notneed to (like classes files or compiled templates). Not only is this asecurity measure, it will also become a way to add more features in aclear way in the future.Continue reading "Folders structure"

The 2.3 core folders structure has been modified compared to the 2.0.x

one. While all the 2.0 files were supposed to be copied inside the

webserver document root, 2.3 will start separating the files that have

to be served (modules pages, themes files) from the ones that do not

need to (like classes files or compiled templates). Not only is this a

security measure, it will also become a way to add more features in a

clear way in the future.

Continue reading "Folders structure"
天下博览 V2.02
URL: http://xoops.org.cn/modules/planet/view.article.php/c/237/p