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作者 D.J. 于 2004年08月21日 10:10:31 (11075 次阅读) 该作者发布的其他新闻

The XOOPS Core Development Team is pleased to announce the release of XOOPS
This is an intermediary "bug fix" release which addresses several issues reported since 2.0.7. Therefore it is highly recommended that all 2.0.X users upgrade to this version.

- XOOPS 2.0.7 full package.
- XOOPS 2.0.7 --> update.


Mithrandir is the one to thank for this one if you ever feel like it, as he's the one who's done most of the work on this version.

This release will be one of the last XOOPS 2.0.x releases. We're expecting to release a beta of the next version (which should solve PHP5 incompatibility problems) soon, then all the team members will concentrate on the development of the 2.1 / 2.2 series.

As usual, the packages can be downloaded from the sourceforge servers:
- XOOPS 2.0.7 full package.
- XOOPS 2.0.7 --> update.


Upgrade Instructions:
- Upload the content of the html/ folder over the files of your actual 2.0.7 install.
- Update the system module in the "modules" administration page.

Fixed bug #1006511 about $xoops_isadmin misuse (skalpa/the jp.xoops.org community):
- Changed XoopsUser::isAdmin() behavior to prevent problems with modules that misuse this function
- Fixed permission checking in user profile page, to only show admin links to people who are supposed to see them
- Fixed permission checking in the comments system, to only show admin links to people who are supposed to see them
Fixed incorrect escaping of configuration values in 2.0.7 (skalpa)
Changed db proxy class error message from "Action not allowed" to "Database update not allowed during a GET request" (skalpa)
Fixed bug #964084: if comment title is long multi-byte character.last byte loss (Mithrandir/domifara)
Fixed bug #977360: Wrong icon in comment bloc (Mithrandir/zoullou)
Fixed bug #976534: modules incompatibilities in 2.0.7 (Mithrandir/gijoe_peak)
Fixed bug #975803: Typo in class/pagenav.php (Mithrandir/Dave_l)
Fixed bug #974655: slogan variable with Xoops 2.0.7 (Mithrandir/brashquido)
Fixed bug #987171: typo in edituser.php (Mithrandir)
Applied patch #928503: Search results for modules with granted permissions optimised (Mithrandir/malanciault)
Applied patch #988715: cp_header.php language (Mithrandir/phppp)
Fixed MyTextSanitizer PHP notices (Mithrandir)
Fixed XoopsForm PHP Notices about an unset _extra property (Mithrandir)

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2005年12月19日 00:10:00 - Xoops China/广东
2005年12月18日 20:17:13 - 上海地区XOOPS用户聚会
2005年12月17日 21:08:02 - Xoops 简体中文版 2.25
2005年12月17日 20:57:41 - Xoops 2.2系列简体中文主要模块合集
2005年12月17日 12:54:40 - Xoops China北京地区成员首聚小记
