Xoops Community Growing - XOOPS - 本站新闻
XOOPS : Xoops Community Growing
作者 XoopsChina 于 2004年08月05日 05:19:52 (4758 次阅读) 该作者发布的其他新闻

Xoops : XOOPS.org welcomes it's 20.000th member!

Today, August 4 2004, the 20.000th member registered on the XOOPS.org website.

同时, Xoops China Community 官方中文社区也在发布一个月后迎来了第500为注册成员

Xoops : XOOPS.org welcomes it's 20.000th member!

Posted by Herko on 2004/8/4 5:49:15 (40 reads)

Today, August 4 2004, the 20.000th member registered on the XOOPS.org website. We proudly welcome ddthomas into the community! Scant a half year after we welcomed out 15.000th member, it is yet more proof of XOOPS' ever growing popularity!

With the growth of the community comes some strains as well, the need for a decent FAQ/Knowledgebase on the XOOPS.org website is becoming ever greater. That, and some other new tools, will be added to the XOOPS.org website real soon! So keep checking back here

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