XOOPS 总站被黑客攻击,提醒大家注意网络安全 - XOOPS - 本站新闻
XOOPS : XOOPS 总站被黑客攻击,提醒大家注意网络安全
作者 XoopsChina 于 2005年07月27日 20:50:38 (1166 次阅读) 该作者发布的其他新闻

欧洲时间2005年7月25日下午5时许,总站 XOOPS.ORG 被黑客攻击,包括 www.XOOPS.ORG 和各子站均受影响;同时,XOOPS总站被攻击的消息马上被个网络安全网站报道。

总站稍后查明原因,确认黑客是通过Apache webserver而不是XOOPS的漏洞进行的攻击。
1 硬件采用 EPC Online 新捐赠的服务器
2 软件升级到刚刚发布的XOOPS 2.2和CBB等最新模块
3 总站界面进行更合理的安排和美化(已经被呼吁了很久)


XOOPS CHINA提醒大家,网络安全要从软件、硬件等各方面着手,时刻注意,特别是:

by Mithrandir
Posted on: 2005/7/27 11:56

Monday evening at around 5'ish, European time, xoops.org was hacked.

We believe the hackers exploited a hole in the Apache webserver, which we have now closed (the hole, not the webserver).

We also took the opportunity, since xoops.org was closed anyway, to move the websites to a new server - graciously donated by the great people at EPC Online - and change the structure of the XOOPS installation to facilitate future upgrades.
We also took some time to discuss the future xoops.org sites layout and thought about upgrading the xoops.org websites to XOOPS 2.2, change the themes and reorganise everything. However, this would be the wrong way of doing it. We cannot keep xoops.org closed for too long or you will start worrying. We have just released XOOPS 2.2 and you need a place to discuss it and get support.

We also already have a process of getting solution drafts from the community as to how the xoops.org sites should be organised and how they should look. It would not be right to rush it and not finish that process and get things right.

Unfortunately, the consequences of the attack is that all files we had on the server are toast and have to be recreated.

The XOOPS system files, we can of course recreate, but these elements, we cannot restore:
- User avatars
- Module releases on dev.xoops.org
- A handful of modules in the repository that were hosted on xoops.org

So it will take a while until xoops.org looks like xoops.org again.
The documentation site on http://docs.xoops.org is also down until further notice.

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