XOOPS backup & restore 数据库管理 3.0 - 本站新闻 - 本站新闻
本站新闻 : XOOPS backup & restore 数据库管理 3.0
作者 D.J. 于 2005年06月29日 07:45:48 (1050 次阅读) 该作者发布的其他新闻



建立目录用于保存生成的备份文件(建议 uploads/backup)
你可以使用CRON JOB设置系统每隔一定时间比如1天自动备份你的XOOPS数据库

1 备份XOOPS数据并以三种方式保存: 保存在服务器、立即下载(管理员专用)、email发送(通过附件或是链接)
2 大数据表可以单独生成文件
3 保存在服务器上的文件数据可以设定
4 备份可以由管理员手动完成或是自动完成
5 可以导入本模块备份的数据或是其它任意程序生成的文件比如phpmyadmin
6 可以通过自动分次执行的方式导入超大数据文件
7 可以临时用非管理员身份导入数据,对导入与用户资料相关的数据是必须的
7 超时问题已经有效解决

XOOPS Backup & Restore

A module to allow you to easily backup and/or restore your mysql database

create a folder (upload/backup is suggested) for storing backup files
chmod the folder to 777
Install the module as usual in xoops (system admin - modules)
If you would create a cron job so that the database can be automatically backup, the URL shall be: YourXoopsUrl/modules/backup/admin/backup.php

1 backup XOOPS data and store in three ways: on the server, download immediately(admin only) or sent by email(URL or attachments)
2 tables can be select to be exported separately. useful for large tables
3 file number stored on local server can be configured
4 backup can be made by admin or via cronjob
5 restore XOOPS data from db files exported the module or by any db management script like phpmyadmin
6 capable for large file import by multiple sessions
7 restore can be done by non-webmaster, useful for XOOPS user related date restore.
8 timeout issues have been efficiently solved

backup 2.0 -- [email protected] ( http://www.nagl.ch )
restore (bigdump) -- Alexey Ozerov (alexey at ozerov dot de)
backup & restore 3.0 -- D.J. (phppp, http://xoops.org.cn)

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