XOOPS 2.011 中文版 - XOOPS - 本站新闻
XOOPS : XOOPS 2.011 中文版
作者 XoopsChina 于 2005年06月25日 10:08:37 (1000 次阅读) 该作者发布的其他新闻


XOOPS 2.09至2.011的升级包

The XOOPS Core Development Team gives you the very last step on the way towards XOOPS 2.2:

XOOPS 2.0.11

XOOPS 2.0.11 is a bugfix release of 2.0.10 that only holds a few - but important - bugfixes.

2005/06/24: Version 2.0.11
- Fixed bug where lostpass.php would not accept emails and send new password (Ackbarr)
- Fixed bug where search result links would be wrong if the item was in another module than the searched one (Ackbarr)
- Fixed bug in groups admin where it was impossible to add users to a group if the site had 200+ users (Ackbarr)
- Fixed bug with uploading smilies (Ackbarr)

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