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XOOPS : MyXoopsExtensions - Dreamweaver MX 2004! 插件 (XOOPS 风格制作)
作者 XoopsChina 于 2005年06月23日 18:50:00 (1922 次阅读) 该作者发布的其他新闻

MyXoops is happy to announce an exciting development for your XOOPS - our extensive Dreamweaver extension for XOOPS Theme and template production is finally available for use with Dreamweaver MX 2004.

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Dreamweaver MX 2004! 插件 (XOOPS 风格制作)

下载Dreamweaver MX 2004插件

MyXoops is happy to announce an exciting development for your XOOPS - our extensive Dreamweaver extension for XOOPS Theme and template production is finally available for use with Dreamweaver MX 2004.

This exciting utility now offers more features and functionality than ever, neatly including every smarty variable for XOOPS theme production in an easily accessible drop-down menu. We have also included codes for multiple themes/stylesheets and an easily editable horizontal navigation with dynamically generated sublinks - now just click, edit & go for your own fast and highly dynamic XOOPS themes.

XOOPS Theme production has never been so fast and easy! No longer cut and paste from old themes to create new ones, build your XOOPS themes from scratch in a fraction of the time with MyXoopsExtensions and Dreamweaver MX 2004.

What does it do?
MyXoopsExtensions allow you to click variables into place with a touch of a button, simplifying the process of creating and manipulating XOOPS themes and templates. Easily wrap content in various IF Statements, insert a welcome message or a horizontal menu just by placing your cursor and clicking the button. All this and more in a colorful XOOPS Objects toolbar that rests atop the Dreamweaver HTML editor, altogether an easily navigable interface.

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Thanks to XOOPS-Tips and Peak XOOPS Support for providing these codes. MyXoopsExtensions also offer built in support for Center-Top and Center-Bottom blocks, usable with the header hack from Happy Linux - as well as easily implemented collapsing right and left blocks.

We have spent a lot of time, effort and energy creating this great tool - we even had to buy a new computer just to make this release possible. In the hopes of recouping some of the cost of creating this utility, we are requesting that everyone who finds this component as useful as we do help support MyXoops design and development by contributing a small donation of $5 or more, or by joining MyXoops Club. If you cannot contribute monetarily you can help us by rating our utilities and contributing your own resources to the site. Keep MyXoopsExtensions free and up to date, support MyXoops!

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2005年12月19日 00:10:00 - Xoops China/广东
2005年12月18日 20:17:13 - 上海地区XOOPS用户聚会
2005年12月17日 21:08:02 - Xoops 简体中文版 2.25
2005年12月17日 20:57:41 - Xoops 2.2系列简体中文主要模块合集
2005年12月17日 12:54:40 - Xoops China北京地区成员首聚小记


 Re: MyXoopsExtensions - Dreamweaver MX 2004! 插件 (XOOPS 风格...

发表于: 06月26日 14:43  更新: 06月26日 14:43


注册于: 01月03日
发表数: 934

 Re: MyXoopsExtensions - Dreamweaver MX 2004! 插件 (XOOPS 风格...

发表于: 06月26日 22:55  更新: 06月26日 22:55


注册于: 04月01日
发表数: 25

 Re: MyXoopsExtensions - Dreamweaver MX 2004! 插件 (XOOPS 风格...

发表于: 06月27日 11:37  更新: 06月27日 11:37


注册于: 06月25日
发表数: 6

 Re: MyXoopsExtensions - Dreamweaver MX 2004! 插件 (XOOPS 风格...

发表于: 06月27日 12:02  更新: 06月27日 12:02


注册于: 06月25日
发表数: 6

 Re: MyXoopsExtensions - Dreamweaver MX 2004! 插件 (XOOPS 风格...

发表于: 06月27日 19:22  更新: 06月27日 19:22


注册于: 01月03日
发表数: 934
为什么意义不大?我的dreamweaver MX就是中文版的,英文的插件用着不方便。话说回来了,还是我的英文水平不行,所以才很依赖中文版:)