XOOPS 4 "XooSphere" Development Roadmap published - XOOPS - 本站新闻
XOOPS : XOOPS 4 "XooSphere" Development Roadmap published
作者 XoopsChina 于 2005年06月02日 04:00:00 (2047 次阅读) 该作者发布的其他新闻

The XOOPS Core Development Team is very proud to announce the start of the public development of the Revolutionary step in web content management systems: XOOPS 4 (codename XooSphere).

XooSphere is the name for the XOOPS 4 dynamic web content management franework, a system built from scratch, based on a highly advanced architecture.

Open source, Open design, Open development


XooSphere is the name for the XOOPS 4 dynamic web content management franework, a system built from scratch, based on a highly advanced architecture. The XOOPS 4 "XooSphere" Development Roadmap, detailing the new system and the development processes, is published today.

A lot of preparation has gone into the roadmap and design of the new system. This development project is lead by Skalpa, who did most -if not nearly all- the hard preparatory work.

The system will be called XOOPS 4, in order to mark the huge step forward the system makes. It has very little to do with the current system, but will be backwards compatible with the XOOPS 2.2 (and perhaps beyond) version that is now in active development. This way we ensure that XOOPS can benefit fully from the new architecture, while keeping the current userbase.

Across the years, the XOOPS core has evolved to become more than just a portal script. Hovever as of today it cannot be seen as a real Content Management System neither as an applications framework, while in the meantime it is a bit of all of this. For this reason, people have become unable to define what was XOOPS, and it was the first problem we had to solve before trying to go anywhere.

So we first tried to design a global architecture that could be able to integrate all the required components we could already imagine. The objective here was not to list all these components or to detail their individual implementation, but to give an overall unrestrictive structure to our future system mainly describing how its composing parts will relate to each others, giving a precise place to each of them.

Once its first layers implemented, starting from the lowest ones, this global architecture will be enhanced, detailed, grow to include new classes and frameworks until we reach our final objective: have a platform that will allow us to run and maintain all the xoops.org web sites as we would like them to be (while they are actually too much built around XOOPS and its limitations).

Have fun reading the whole roadmap, and keep your eyes open for more news!

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 Re: XOOPS 4 "XooSphere" Development Roadmap published

发表于: 2005年06月02日 04:13  更新: 2005年06月02日 04:13


注册于: 2004年07月13日
发表数: 359
要等一年啊, so漫长...

 Re: XOOPS 4 "XooSphere" Development Roadmap published

发表于: 2005年06月02日 10:43  更新: 2005年06月02日 10:43


注册于: 2004年07月19日
发表数: 54
大约 7 个半月 RC1,耐心等待啦;
2006 有很多值得期待的东东,活活;

 Re: XOOPS 4 "XooSphere" Development Roadmap published

发表于: 2005年06月02日 11:21  更新: 2005年06月02日 11:21


注册于: 2005年01月03日
发表数: 1219
最好别像上面的文章一样,全是英文:) 很想尝试这个系统啊,耐心等待中文版:)