ximple 多浏览器兼容 Theme 和 XOOPS CACHE hack - XOOPS - 本站新闻
XOOPS : ximple 多浏览器兼容 Theme 和 XOOPS CACHE hack
作者 D.J. 于 2005年02月16日 01:25:44 (3666 次阅读) 该作者发布的其他新闻

Ximple and header hack released for Chinese New Year 2005 [Spring Festival]

Ximple Theme by D.J. (phppp) from XOOPS CHINA
1 table free
2 W3C validated
3 columns auto-adapted: capable for full-screen display (really meaningful to NewBB)

xoops/header.php hack:
1 capable for cache for module with specified layout like css or js
2 capable for one-column display

1 one-column display: by turning off left/right column
2 capable for cache: css, js

Credits: theme simple-line; theme default; CSS tutorials (http://del.icio.us/xoops/css)

I am a module developer not a theme designer and the css classes might be ugly.
You are appreciated to help me re-fine it.

DEMO: http://xoops.org.cn/modules/newbb/

All best wishes

First release: Feb 9th, 2005
Second release: Feb 15th, 2005

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