Digest 2.0 RC 网络文摘2.0 - 本站新闻 - 本站新闻
本站新闻 : Digest 2.0 RC 网络文摘2.0
作者 D.J. 于 2004年12月10日 12:17:22 (1285 次阅读) 该作者发布的其他新闻

Digest is a web content fetching module that allows you to fetch, display and monitor any desired content from internet and to display on your site.
1 Supported fetch methods: CURL, fsockopen, fopen
2 Multi-Categories
3 The sites to be monitored, the content to be feteched can be configured by using a easy-to-use admin interface.
4 The content can be updated automatically using cronjob
5 Allow users to test and submit sites.

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